Jen Smith (BSc (Health Promotion), GradDipPubHealth, PhD) is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Clinical Research in Emergency Medicine (CCREM) and is the national Coordinator of the Emerging Drugs Network of Australia (EDNA). This 5-year research collaboration draws on the expertise of emergency physicians, clinical toxicologists and forensic laboratories across six state jurisdictions to establish a coordinated toxicosurveillance system of illicit and emerging drugs causing acute harm.
Jen brings a unique perspective to CCREM through her qualitative research expertise and experience in academic and public sector environments. Since completing her PhD on adolescent sexual behaviour and pregnancy intentions in 2010, Jen has continued to strengthen her position as a promising early career researcher through academic roles in the School of Public Health at Curtin University and research and community outreach positions in the drug and alcohol sector. In 2019, Jen was responsible for developing an evaluation strategy for the Department of Communities ‘Target 120’ initiative; a $20.4 million election commitment by the WA Government to reduce offending behaviour in at-risk young people in WA. This evaluation plan was endorsed and commended by the Department of Treasury.