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The Perkins buildings were developed for the people of Western Australia and we want to share with you the amazing research happening in our state. A tour of our Nedlands headquarters will give you the chance to see these state-of-the-art facilities firsthand and learn how Perth’s bright minds are working with futuristic technology to advance medical research towards amazing new medical solutions.

The options below have been designed for adult community groups or individual students who may not be visiting as part of an organised school group.


These activities are designed for community groups who wish to learn more about the amazing medical breakthroughs being discovered at the Perkins. Take a behind-the-scenes tour of our labs, don a lab coat and get hands on experience, or invite a guest speaker to your event to learn more about what we’re doing right here in WA to fight cancer, heart disease, diabetes and rare genetic diseases.

Talk & Tour

You are welcome at the Perkins!

Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost: $10 per person

We offer tours of the Perkins to clubs, associations and businesses that wish to come along and see firsthand the groundbreaking research undertaken in Western Australia.

This tour is designed for adult community groups.


On a tour of the Perkins site in Nedlands, you will learn how our close-knit team of researchers work together to defeat major diseases that impact our community.

See the world-class facilities and hear how Perth’s bright minds are using amazing technology to develop exciting new medical solutions.

During your tour you will:

  • See an original sample of the mould used by Sir Alexander Fleming to grow penicillin – signed by the revolutionary scientist himself!
  • Walk down our ‘information corridor’ and discover historical highlights in medical research that led to the medicines we rely on today
  • Hear about the life-changing discoveries happening in your home town
  • See the state-of-the-art research laboratories at the Perkins
  • Meet your dedicated researchers (where possible)

Tours of the Perkins are available to clubs, associations and businesses (10+ people).

A tour takes approximately one and a half hours, however, we can be flexible to suit your group.

There is a coffee shop on site which provides a suitable option for morning tea or lunch after your tour.

(08) 6151 0811
[email protected]

Guest Speaker

If you are unable to visit us – and your community group would like to find out more about the lifesaving research happening at the Perkins – we can have a member of staff attend your community group meeting to speak or present.

Please email or call to organise a speaker to come to you.

Please note: We will endeavour to meet your request, however, acceptance will be based on staff availability. Bookings within business hours are preferable.


(08) 6151 0811
[email protected]

Live in the Lab

Duration: Approximately two hours
Dress: Closed in shoes (no sandals), long hair must be tied back
Cost: $35.00 per person*

Don a lab coat, gloves and safety glasses and experience how scientists conduct experiments that lead to new discoveries, new medicines and a brighter future. In a fun and informative laboratory session, you will explore different scientific concepts and techniques as you learn from your Perkins researchers.

(Lab coat, gloves and glasses will be provided).


There are a variety of different Lab Experiences for you to choose from depending on your group’s interest. Alternatively, we are happy to recommend one for you.

Examples include:

  • The DNA Experience: Gain a better understanding of how DNA makes us unique. Conduct an experiment to see DNA!
  • Diagnosing a Heart Attack: Learn what happens during heart attacks. Conduct a lab test to diagnose a heart attack.

Please note: Live in the Lab activities are designed for adult community or corporate groups. These sessions require a minimum of 10 in order to run.

*Fees go towards supporting the vital research and education programs conducted at the Perkins.

(08) 6151 0811
[email protected]


These activities are designed for school students who want to explore the possibilities of STEM outside of an official school-organised visit to the Perkins. The options include short school holiday programs, a 10-week academy, or a full immersion program for those thinking of a career in medical research.

School Holiday Adventure

Calling all magnificent young scientists! Join us in the BioDiscovery Centre during the school holidays.

Holiday Program: Cells and Proteins
Magnify the microscopic world of the human body!

Investigate how your cells function using micropipettes, microscopes and other cool equipment used by medical research scientists.

Discover how scientists use cells in research.

Please note: This is strictly for ages 10 to 14

Runs in the last week of the January and July school holidays.

Holiday Program: Microbiology
Learn how to ‘stain’ a scientific sample and use a micropipette.

Use your science sleuthing skills to identify different bacteria.

Please note: This is strictly for ages 10 to 14

Runs in the last week of the April and October school holidays.

School Holiday Program: Cells & Proteins

Friday July 12th,
10:00 am or 1:30 pm

Cost per student is $50. Once you complete your booking, you will sent a confirmation email with a link to our secure online payment portal. Bookings will only be confirmed once payment has been received in full.

If you would like to give this as a gift please contact us via email.

Please note

  • These programs are aimed at a general audience and should not be seen as an academic extension or challenge activity.
  • As part of the program, your child/ren will be working in a fully functional scientific laboratory and will be handling scientific equipment and materials.
  • Whilst all care will be taken as to safety precautions, please note that the Lotterywest BioDiscovery Centre cannot be held liable for any injury or damage to either your child/ren or personal property.
  • All samples and microscope slides will be disposed of in biohazard waste receptacles at the cessation of the activity.
  • Your child/ren will be using the internet as a research tool during the course of the program. Children are responsible for self-monitoring their use of the internet to appropriate sites for the purpose of research.

(08) 6151 0811
[email protected]

Perkins Profs OPEN

Academy duration: 10 weeks (during school term), 2 hours per week
Term 2 and 4: Tuesdays

Time: Tuesday after school 4:30pm-6:30pm 
Price per student: $370
Suitable for: Year 10-12

Applications for the 2024 program are now open.

This specialised program offers motivated high school students opportunities to explore the career path of medical research.

Perkins Profs Open classes run in Terms 2 and 4. They can be attended by students from any school. This option is provided for students whose schools do not organise a school booked Perkins Profs session.

Introduction to Medical Research
Students are guided by Perkins research scientists through the lab techniques and knowledge used to understand medical research. Lab sessions include staining cancer cells, amplifying genes, introduction to bioinformatics, viral outbreak, protein identification and using nanoparticles for drug delivery. The course concludes with a graduation in the final week where family members are invited to celebrate the students’ achievements.

To apply

  1. Download the Application Form (.doc)
  2. Email your completed application to [email protected]
  3. Make a payment of $370 at least two weeks prior to the program start date. Payment details will be sent out once your application has been processed.

PLEASE NOTE CANCELLATION POLICY: A refund of the registration fee will only be made if the Centre is notified one week prior to the program start date.

(08) 6151 0811
[email protected]


Are you thinking about a career in the research world?

Enrol in this exciting 3-day immersive laboratory experience at Perth’s world-class Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research. You will work beside scientists, gaining experience in how research is conducted on a day-to-day basis.

Aspects of the program change but may include

  • training for PC2 Laboratory operations
  • techniques of microbiology and cell culturing
  • use of fluorescent microscopes
  • genetic manipulation techniques
  • tours of various centres within the grounds of the QEII medical complex

Selection is by application. After reviewing all applications, five participants are selected to attend the next program. Notifications will be sent at least 4 weeks prior to the program start date.


Students in Year 10-12

Monday 22 – Wednesday 24 January, 2024

9am-3pm daily

LotteryWest BioDiscovery Centre
Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research
6 Verdun St
Nedlands WA 6008

$375 per student


  1. Download the Immersion Program Application Form
  2. Send your completed application to [email protected]
  3. If successful, make a payment of $375 at least two weeks prior to the program start date. Payment details will be sent out once your application has been processed.

PLEASE NOTE CANCELLATION POLICY: A refund of the registration fee will only be made if the Centre is notified one week prior to the program start date.

(08) 6151 0811
[email protected]

Help WA's best medical researchers beat the world's toughest diseases.