
The Perkins Supporter Survey is here.

As we look ahead to the next 25 years, we’d like your advice.

As researchers, we’re here to serve you and your family. In turn, you make our work possible through your generous and loyal support. The Perkins would not be where it is today without people like you and we have even bigger plans for the years ahead.

This survey helps to gauge exactly what matters to you and how you’d like to collaborate with us now and in the future. Your answers will always remain confidential and will help us use funds more wisely and deliver better, more targeted messages about the work we do on behalf of you and your loved ones.

Thank you for sparing the time to complete this survey. Please be assured that the results of this survey will be shared with you, and, importantly, used to achieve the mission you are passionate about – keeping families together for longer.

If you need more information please contact us.