An event is only as good as the people in it, and the heroes that make up the Hawaiian Walk for Women’s Cancer are a testimony to that.
The Perkins recently unveiled the new look and feel for the signature fundraising event, the Hawaiian Walk for Women’s Cancer, at a special ‘thank you’ event.
The event was a celebration of the walkers and their personal motivation for taking part in the Walk – often both heartbreaking and empowering.
It’s these stories that inspired the Walk’s new look, which largely features these heroes who train, fundraise and challenge themselves in the name of women’s cancer research.
The gritty new logo and imagery showcase the strength and courage of the walkers, many of whom have been personally touched by cancer.
Perkins Director, Professor Peter Leedman, said he was in awe of the dedication of the walkers, volunteers and supporters.
“The women and men who take part in this event trek long distances and commit to fundraising at least $1,000 to make a major impact for research,” Professor Leedman said.
“The camaraderie that you see at the Walk is incredibly moving, people cheer one another on and share their stories. Many of our walkers register as a sign of their recovery from illness, or to honour a loved one or to inspire someone battling disease.”
“The new event slogan ‘tougher together’ signifies that no breakthrough is a single-handed accomplishment; together we can achieve great things.”
“Fundraising $1,000 is tough, training and walking 35km in one day is really tough, and facing a cancer diagnosis is beyond tough, but together we’re tougher,” Professor Leedman said.
“I’d invite anyone who wants to make a big difference for women’s cancer research here in Perth to support the Walk. Alone you can help, but together we’re unstoppable.”
See the new brand, and learn more about the Walk by visiting: walkforwomenscancer.org.au