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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the biggest killer of the developed world and one of the biggest health problems facing the developing world. Here, in Australia, the disease kills one person every 12 minutes and in the USA the number is much higher. In the Vascular Engineering laboratory we use both computational and experimental techniques to further our understanding of vascular physiology and disease, with an overall aim of helping tackle this global problem.

Our research can be broadly divided into the following themes:

  • Computational biomechanics
  • Experimental biomechanics
  • Multimodality imaging
  • 3D bioprinting and tissue engineering

More detailed information can be found at our website http://vasclab.mech.uwa.edu.au


Genetic tests to identify people at higher risk of heart failure

A groundbreaking study by researchers at Perth’s Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research has produced a genetic test for heart failure, which will enable early intervention and more personalised treatment for heart disease patients. The research published last week in the International Journal of Molecular Science was led by Perkins…

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Biodesign program wins national award for excellence

A program that provides industry engagement opportunities and training in biomedical design thinking, while giving industry access to research talent has won a national award. iPREP Biodesign, administered by The University of Western Australia on behalf of nine universities across the country, has been recognised with the 2024 Australian Council…

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Phase 3 drug trial for rare chronic kidney disease achieves key milestone

Biopharmaceutical company, Dimerix Limited (ASX: DXB, “Dimerix”), which is developing new treatments for types of inflammatory kidney and respiratory diseases, has announced successful interim results of a Phase 3 trial of DMX-200 in patients with the rare disease Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) that attacks the kidney’s filtering units. The chronic…

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