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Shivani Srivastava

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Research Intern

Shivani Srivastava

Onco-Fetal Ecosystem

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Research Intern

Shivani Srivastava

Onco-Fetal Ecosystem


Shivani is a research intern (virtually given the ongoing pandemic) at Sharma Lab. Her research interest includes applying computational approaches to understand heterogeneity of tumor tissues and cell-cell interactions, to discover the phenomenon causing togetherness of the different cells and what leads to selection of the driving mutations. She is currently tracking the pre and post treatment cell interactions in breast cancer and integration of the spatial data. She completed her Masters in Bioinformatics from University of Allahabad, India. She recieved her Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology degree from CSJM University, India. Apart from research, she is a zoophilist.