Hon Ben Morton

Hon Ben Morton
Ben is a former Australian Government Minister formerly holding the portfolios of Minister Assisting the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Minister for the Public Service and Special Minister of State.
Ben represented the electorate of Tangney in the House of Representatives between 2016 and 2022.
Before entering Parliament Ben worked for Western Australian building and building supply company BGC and before that was CEO of the Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) between 2008 and 2015.
Having been appointed by The Hon Mark McGowan, Premier of Western Australia, Ben currently serves as a non-executive Commissioner of Insurance Commission of Western Australia (ICWA). ICWA provides motor injury insurance in Western Australia and provides self-insurance for the State Government, including public sector workers compensation insurance. With close to $8bn of assets under management ICWA is one of WA’’s largest fund managers.
Ben is a Director of the Southern Ports Authority. Southern Ports facilitate trade through the ports of Bunbury, Albany and Esperance. Key commodities include alumina, iron ore, spodumene (lithium), grain, coal, wood chips and renewable energy infrastructure.
Ben is Managing Director of his family’s private company and provides advice to companies, boards and sectors on the intersection of public policy and public opinion.
Perth is Ben’s home with his wife Asta and children Harrison and Madeleine.