Centre for Clinical Research in Emergency Medicine
Professor Daniel Fatovich

Centre for Clinical Research in Emergency Medicine
Professor Daniel Fatovich
Prof Fatovich is a senior emergency physician and clinical researcher at Royal Perth Hospital Emergency Department (ED), with over 30 years’ experience in the design and conduct of clinical trials in Emergency Medicine. He is also Head of the Centre for Clinical Research in Emergency Medicine (CCREM) within the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research.
He is Professor of Emergency Medicine at The University of Western Australia; Director of Research for East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS), providing strategic advice and leadership; Board Member of the Royal Perth Hospital Research Foundation; Chair of the EMHS Research Advisory Committee. He is an executive member of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Research Committee and the Clinical Trials Network and has received $26m in competitive grant funding.
In 2020 and 2023, he was Ministerial adviser for the passage of the Guardianship and Administration (Medical Research) Act 2020 Western Australia. In 2017-18, he was deputy chair of the WA Methamphetamine Taskforce. Expertscape ranks him in the top <1% globally for expertise in Emergency Medicine. He loves to challenge doctors to think, and to think differently.
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1983 | MBBS – Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery, University of Western Australia, Australia |
1990 | FACEM – Fellowship of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine |
2012 | PhD- University of Western Australia, Australia / Thesis: Major trauma in Western Australia and the effects of distance, time and remoteness on mortality. |
Special Interests
• The sociology of emergency medicine: illicit drugs, mental health and access block.
• Methodology and bias
• Neuroplasticity, neuroscience, clinical decision-making, doctor-patient communication.
• Trauma
• Sepsis
• Resuscitation
• Thrombolysis
Major grants awarded since 2010
2020: NHMRC Ideas Grant APP2001107. Fatovich D, Soderstrom J, Dawson A, Alfred S, Greene S, Isoardi K, Pulbrook L, McCutcheon D, Oosthuizen F, Ezard N. Emerging Drugs Network of Australia: a coordinated toxicosurveillance system of illicit drug use in Australia to enable rapid detection and harm reduction responses via an Early Warning System.
2020: East Metropolitan Health Service Mental Health Research Fund. Fatovich D, Soderstrom J, McCutcheon D, Oosthuizen F, Reid C, Lenton S, Burcham J, Smith J, Oh G, Dessauer P. Emerging Drugs Network of Australia. $198,382.
2020: East Metropolitan Health Service Mental Health Research Fund. Hasking P, Fatovich D, Wynaden D, Burcham J, Leslie G, Torshizi A, Cordingley A, Tretheway J,Dickson J, Moyes S, Ngune I. Non-suicidal self-injury: Reducing the impact on patients, health professionals and health services. $200,000.
2020: MRFF – Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Need (RCRDUN APP1200084). Peake S, Macdonald S, Delaney A, Keijzers G, Udy A, Arendts G, Egerton-Warburton D, Fatovich D, Higgins A, Milford E. Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation: Fluid or Vasopressors in Emergency Department Sepsis (ARISE: Fluids) Trial. $2,335,540.20.
2018: Vanguard Grant 102176, National Heart Foundation of Australia. Winnall C, Hillis G, Fatovich D, Macdonald S. The UtiLitY of cardiac myosin binding protein C in the Early triage of low risk patients with Suspected acute coronary syndromes (ULYCES). $75,000.
2018: National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs. Soderstrom J, McCutcheon D, George J, Raghavan M, Burcham J, Fatovich D, Oosthuizen F, Greene S, Dawson A, McArdle K, Brown J, Isoardi K, Alfred S, Archer E, Dessauer P. Emerging Drug Network of Australia. $100,000.
2018: Neurotrauma Research Program. Fitzgerald M, Fatovich D, Pestell C, Bynevelt M, Licari M, Robinson S, Xu D. A validation study to predict poor outcomes following mild traumatic brain injury. $97,070.
2016: NHMRC APP1116453. Cameron P, Finn J, Bernard S, Grantham H, Smith K, Fatovich D, Arendts G, Bray J, Stub D, Perkins G. Centre of Research Excellence in Prehospital Emergency Care. $2,499,626. (2017-2021).
2016: NHMRC Project Grant APP1122792; 4-years (2017-2020) Briffa T, Cullen L, Chew D, Knuiman M, Fatovich D, Hickman P, Parsonage W, Nedkoff L, Sanfilippo F, Hillis G, Mitra B, Wilkes G, Schneider H, Rankin J, Karnon J, Scanlan S, Stapleton S, Mather V. Is highly-sensitive troponin testing advancing clinical practice, improving outcomes and cost-effective in the investigation and management of chest pain in the Emergency Department? $1,197,000.
2016: NHMRC APP1116453 Cameron P, Finn J, Bernard S, Grantham H, Smith K, Fatovich D,Arendts G, Bray J, Stub D, Perkins G. Centre of Research Excellence in Prehospital Emergency Care. $2,499,626.
2016: SHRAC Research Translation Project Hillis G, Alcock R, Spiro J, Fatovich D, Macdonald S, Schultz C, Briffa T, Geelhoed E. The Royal Perth evidence-based accelerated chest pain pathway implementation (RAPID) study. $242,858.
2016: SHRAC Research Translation Project Williams T, Finn J,Arendts G, Fatovich D, McQuillan B, Perkins G, Hendrie D, Bailey P, Summers Q, Brink D. A randomised controlled trial of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) for the treatment of severe respiratory distress by ambulance paramedics in the pre-hospital setting. $97,345.
2015: Queensland Emergency Medicine Research Foundation Keijzers G, Macdonald S, Kinnear F,Arendts G, Brown S, Fatovich D, Taylor D, Vlad I, McCutcheon D, Asha A. Restricted Fluid Resuscitation in Sepsis-associated Hypotension (REFRESH) Trial. $54,125.
2015: Neurotrauma Research program Fitzgerald L, Fatovich D, Pestell C. Identification of biomarkers that correlate with clinical features and outcomes followingconcussion. $38,925.
2015: SHRAC Research Translation Project. Stafford A, Fatovich D, Bynevelt M, Licari M, Reynolds J, Christmass M, Quigley A. Methamphetamine Addiction: Is Baclofen effective in suppressing methamphetamine cravings? Functional MRI patterns of brain activation in Baclofen vs placebo treated methamphetamine addicts. $251,904.
2014: NHMRC 2014 Partnership project grant APP1076949; Finn J, Jacobs I, Fatovich D, Smith K, Williams T, Hendrie D, O’Halloran K, Cameron P. Improving ambulance dispatch to time-critical emergencies. $482,723.
2012: Western Australia Department of Health, Targeted Research Fund. Jacobs I, Finn J, Fatovich D, Arendts G, Mountain D, Williams T, Gibson N, Sprivulis P, Celenza T. Evidence-based paramedic models of care to reduce unnecessary emergency department attendance. $370,000.
2011: NHMRC 2012 Partnership project grant APP 1029492 Forero R, Hillman K, Fatovich D, McCarthy S, Mountain D, Fitzgerald G, Richardson D, Sprivulis P, Middleton P. Validation and impact of the four hour rule in the emergency department: a large data linkage study. $687000, Western Australia Department of Health ($150,000), Australasian College for Emergency Medicine ($100000), NSW Ministry of Health ($200,000). Total grant monies $1,718,864.
2010: Neurotrauma Research Program, Western Australian Institute for Medical Research. Leukocyte cellsignalling after major head trauma: correlation with clinical outcomes. Brown S, Stone S, Webb S, Henry N, Rao S, Fatovich D,Arendts G. (2011: $105,789).
Selected publications
Barnes C, Fatovich DM, Macdonald SPJ, et al. Single high-sensitivity troponin levels to assess patients with potential acute coronary syndromes. Heart (British Cardiac Society) 2021 doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317997 [published Online First: 2021/01/14]
Brown SG, Ball EL, Perrin K, et al. Conservative versus Interventional Treatment for Spontaneous Pneumothorax. New Engl J Med 2020;382:405-415.
Keijzers G, Macdonald SPJ, Udy A, Arendts G, Bailey M, Bellomo R, Blecher G, Burcham J, Delaney A, Coggins A, Fatovich D, Fraser J, Harley A, Jones P, Kinnear F, May K, Peake S, Taylor D, Williams P. The Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation: FLUid or Vasopressors In Emergency Department Sepsis (ARISE FLUIDS observational study), a multi-centre observational study describing current practice in Australia and New Zealand. Emerg Med Australas 2020;32:586-598.
Macdonald SPJ, Keijzers G, Taylor DMc, Kinnear FB, Arendts G, Fatovich DM, Bellomo R, McCutcheon D, Fraser JF, Ascencio-Lane JC, Burrows S, Litton E, Harley A, Anstey M, Mukherjee A. Restricted Fluid Resuscitation in suspected Sepsis associated Hypotension (REFRESH): a pilot randomised controlled trial. Intensive Care Medicine 2018;44:2070-2078.
Methamphetamine Action Plan Taskforce. Final Report. Government of Western Australia. 2018. ISBN: 978-0-7307-0283-2. [Available for download here]
Ngo H, Forero R, Mountain D, Fatovich D, Man N, Sprivulis P, Mohsin M, Toloo S, Celenza A, Fitzgerald G, McCarthy S, Hillman K. Impact of the Four-Hour Rule in Western Australian Hospitals: Trend Analysis of a Large Record Linkage Study 2002-2013. PLoS ONE 2018; 13(3): e0193902.
Egerton-Warburton D, Gosbell AD, Moore K, Wadsworth A, Richardson DB, Fatovich DM. Alcohol-related harm in emergency departments: a prospective, multicenter study. Addiction 2018;113:623-632.
Taylor D, Fatovich D, Finucci D, Furyk J, Jin S, Keijzers G, Macdonald S, Mitenko H, Richardson J, Ting J, Thom O, Ugoni A, Hughes J, Bost N, Ward M, Gibbs C, Macdonald E, Chalkley D. Best-practice pain management in the Emergency Department: a cluster-randomised controlled intervention trial. Emerg Med Australas 2015;27:549-557.
Isbister GK, Page CB, Buckley NA, Fatovich DM, Pascu O, Macdonald SP, Calver LA, Brown SG. Randomized controlled trial of intravenous antivenom versus placebo for Latrodectism: the second Redback antivenom evaluation (RAVE-II) study. Ann Emerg Med 2014;64:620-628.e2. (John Gilroy Potts Award) [NCBI PubMed Entry]
Brown SG, Stone SF, Fatovich DM, Burrows SA, Holdgate A, Celenza A, Coulson A, Hartnett L, Nagree Y, Cotterell C, Isbister GK. Anaphylaxis: clinical patterns, mediator release and severity. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013;132:1141-1149.e5.
Fatovich DM, McCoubrie DL, Song SJ, Rosen DM, Lawn ND, Daly FF. Brain abnormalities detected on magnetic resonance imaging of amphetamine users presenting to an emergency department: a pilot study. Med J Aust 2010;193:266-268.