One of the world’s leading experts in melanoma, Professor Jonas Nilsson has won a prestigious Business Events Perth Aspire Award enabling him to take details of his latest research to the Australasian Melanoma Conference and the Society of Melanoma Research Annual Meeting 2022.
The awards run by Western Australia’s peak body for business events, Business Events Perth, which is funded by the Government of Western Australia through Tourism Western Australia, will link WA’s internationally recognised melanoma research with other global experts.
Professor Nilsson came to WA from Gothenburg, Sweden last year to take up the position of the inaugural Chair of Melanoma Discovery at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research. Australia has the highest rate in the world of the deadly skin cancer, melanoma.
“I think the Aspire Award is a visionary WA initiative. It supports Western Australian researchers, academics, and professionals to attend international events which helps us share our work but it also increases the likelihood of international academics coming to Perth to our conferences in future, which is always beneficial,” Professor Nilsson said.
Director of Harry Perkins Institute, Professor Peter Leeman AO said, “the work Professor Nilsson is leading in WA focuses on improving patient outcomes from this deadly disease which currently is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia.”
Professor Nilsson is creating the Western Australian Melanoma Initiative, linking individual groups of clinicians, researchers and consumers to work together against melanoma. With co-worker, researcher and wife Dr Lisa Nilsson, the team researches metastatic melanoma of the skin and eye. The latter is a rare but aggressive form of melanoma which results in the disease spreading to the liver in 50 percent of patients.
“Research involves a lot of teamwork, not just in your own research group but also reaching out to other scientists. There’s no better way to talk and meet other people than face to face, which is exactly what an international conference provides,” Professor Nilsson said.
Business Events Perth CEO, Gareth Martin said he was thrilled to be supporting Professor Nilsson to attend his two chosen conferences, where he would have an opportunity to showcase his expertise and innovation on a global platform, network with likeminded professionals, and explore new avenues for collaboration and innovation in Western Australia.
“The research and developments coming out of Western Australia, such as Professor Nilsson’s cutting- edge melanoma research, show that our State is truly an incubator for knowledge, and Business Events Perth’s Aspire Awards provide opportunities each year for our brightest minds to showcase this knowledge on a global platform,” Mr Martin said.
pictured above L-R: Gareth Martin (Business Events Perth CEO), Professor Jonas Nilsson (Melanoma Chair, Harry Perkins Institute and Aspire Award winner) and Professor Peter Leedman AO (Director, Harry Perkins Institute)
Media Contact: [email protected]
About Business Events Perth
Business Events Perth is a not-for-profit organisation funded by the Government of Western Australia through Tourism Western Australia, the City of Perth and its affiliated industry members to secure high-yielding business events to the State.
Business Events Perth connects meeting, incentive or exhibition planners with Western Australia’s extraordinary experiences, venues and world-renowned experts, helping create amazing business events.
Our bank of in-house expertise means a business event planner can access the latest market intelligence and on-the-ground local support when planning their next business event for Western Australia. And the best thing is, we don’t charge a cent for our services.
Business Events Perth offers generous in-kind support and event sponsorship for business events held in Perth and Western Australia.