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Welcome to the BioDiscovery Centre!

Bringing education and research together.

The BioDiscovery Centre has been purpose-built to support the teaching and learning of medical science skills through real-world experiences for both students and teachers.

School Programs

Students apply their practical skills and knowledge in a research-grade teaching laboratory day classes.

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Perkins Profs

This after-school medical research program aims to challenge and extend highly motivated students.

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School Holidays

Explore the Perkins during school holidays in programs tailored for students from upper primary through to senior secondary school.

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Teacher Professional Learning

Improve your practice inside and outside of the classroom and address AITSL standards through our interactive sessions.

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The Lotterywest BioDiscovery Centre is WA’s state-of-the-art teaching laboratory housed in the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research. It is operated by Perkins medical researchers and teachers. For more information please get in touch.


Help WA's best researchers beat the world's toughest diseases.