Former Australian Government Minister, the Hon Ben Morton, has been appointed to the Board of the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research.
Between 2016 and 2022, he represented the electorate of Tangney in the House of Representatives and held the portfolios of Minister Assisting the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Minister for the Public Service and Special Minister of State.
He currently serves as a non-executive Commissioner of the Insurance Commission of Western Australia and is a Director of the Southern Ports Authority which facilitates trade through the ports of Bunbury, Albany and Esperance.
Harry Perkins Institute Chair Mr John Barrington AM said, “Mr Morton is a fine strategic thinker whose skills and experience will not only benefit the delivery of the Perkins strategy but will assist with Perkins’ major initiative of delivering a comprehensive cancer centre for Western Australia”.
While a Minister, Mr Morton was a strong advocate for a standalone Western Australian Comprehensive Cancer Centre and helped secure Perkins a $375m contribution from the Federal Government towards the centre.
“Sadly, every family has been touched by diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other rare genetic diseases. The team at Perkins is committed to finding solutions and overcoming these diseases. I’m committed to doing all I can to support them as a Director of the Institute. I dedicate my efforts to the Perkins in memory of my mother Linda Morton who passed away from cancer in 2015,” Mr Morton said.
His appointment commenced 8 February 2024.