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Cancer is really tough.
But you’re tougher.

Sign up to the New Town Toyota Walk for Women’s Cancer

About the Walk

The New Town Toyota Walk for Women’s Cancer participants have been directly supporting WA women’s cancer research at the Perkins for the past 11 years. You have made a significant contribution to advances in treatment and breakthroughs in science.

In 2025, join us on Saturday 3 May when we will all come together to support and celebrate your enormous efforts. In the past a wonderful group of women and a growing group of men (thank you gents!) have walked 35km or 42km (your choice) in one day.

We walk in unity to send a message to the cancers that rob us of our daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts and friends that we’re coming for you and we’re tougher together. You will do it safely, in smaller groups and your way.

Walk 35kms in one day
Walk your way over 7 days.

You can choose to walk your way over 7 days in tribute to the 1 in 7 Australian women who are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. You can walk a few kilometres each day, and end your Walk week at the official event on Saturday 3 May 2025.

Or, you can choose to complete your entire 35km Walk in one day at the official New Town Toyota Walk for Women’s Cancer event on Saturday 3 May 2025.

To take part in the Walk:

Fundraise a minimum of $500 per registrant that goes directly to researchers at the Perkins to investigate women’s cancers and discover better treatments and breakthroughs faster.

Sign up to join the New Town Toyota Walk for Women’s Cancer 2025!